


What materials most likely contain lead?
  • United States household paint products manufactured before 1978
  • Antique toys and jewelry
  • Glazed pottery and dishes
  • Pipes and faucets
  • Gasoline
  • Soil
What years of construction are most likely to have lead containing material?

Anything prior to 1978 should be tested to verify the presence of lead.

Is lead still used in paint and other construction materials today?

It is still used for industrial purposes.

What health risks are associated with lead contamination?
  • High blood pressure
  • Nervous system damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Fertility problems
  • Premature birth
How does someone know if they have been exposed to dangerous levels of lead?

Blood tests are performed to verify the amount of lead present. Low levels of lead exposure do not always make people feel sick but can still cause damage. High levels of lead are stored in the bones for up to 30 years.

Do children have a higher risk poisoning?

Children have the highest risk of poisoning. Lead can be ingested or enter through airways. Young children easily ingest lead while playing. Children absorb 50% of the lead they ingest. This is a much higher percentage than in adults.

Signs of lead poisoning.
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Headaches
  • Digestive issue
  • Unhealthy children
  • Children with hyperactivity
When doing a remodeling project what should be tested prior to renovation?

The following items should be tested before they are disturbed:

  • Any painted area
  • Areas that come in contact with moisture – lead was used to prevent the mold
  • Hardwood floors and baseboard
Why should a lead remediation specialist remove lead vs. a private owner?

A certified Lead specialist will be able properly seal and contain the area of removal. This will prevent any lead dust from spreading. A lead specialist will have knowledge of proper chemicals and how to dispose of debris. HEPA machines are used to ensure proper air quality. All air samples are monitored to ensure safety.